Placement Process for Class Registration

About Placement 

We're here to uncover your unique strengths, ensuring your success in classes.

The Directed Self Placement tools pinpoint the ideal starting point for you in both English and math. With the support of your Academic Advisor, you will design a schedule that celebrates your strengths. Additionally, you can showcase your accomplishments through unofficial documents or alternative assessments under Multiple Measures (see table at the bottom of the page).

Please read these important notes:

English and Math Placement Surveys 

All new students who plan to take a math or English class at TCC will be in charge of their own writing and math skills evaluation through the Directed Self Placement (DSP) tools. It has been proven that you know best, and we will give you some pointers to help make that decision. This is an important process for you to be in charge of your future!

English Directed Self-Placement


Time: One hour

Preparation: You will not need to prepare ahead of time before taking this survey. 

This is NOT a test. The English DSP helps you evaluate your ability to read, write and problem solve at the college level. Your first college English classes should be challenging, but they should also start where you currently are at your skills level. 

Note: Directed Self-Placement does not apply to Running Start, Fresh Start and International students.

English Directed Self-Placement

Math Directed Self-Placement


Time: One hour

Preparation: You will not need to prepare ahead of time before taking this survey. 

This is NOT a test. The Math DSP uses a series of questions about previous coursework, asking you to HONESTLY evaluate your confidence level on the algebra skills necessary to be successful in a college level Math course. Our questions are designed to help you determine if you may benefit from a support (co-requisite) course. Information gathered in the DSP can also help you understand what you may experience at a variety of different course levels. 

Note: Directed Self-Placement does not apply to Running Start, Fresh Start, or BEdA students.

Math Directed Self-Placement

Multiple Measures Information

If you have completed prior earned college credits, Tacoma Community College (TCC) may accept these for placement purposes through the unofficial transcripts process. Placement uses classes that fulfill prerequisites for enrollment process. Don’t forget to also send Official Transcripts for credits? (Evaluator Link  look at bottom of the page) 

Student’s with ACT/SAT, Smarter Balanced, GED or assessments from other Washington Community Colleges are encouraged to complete the Preferred Method of Placement.


Placement Updates

Placement Working Hours 

Placement staff are currently working remotely. Please email  for assistance. Working hours are 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., Monday - Friday.


Need Certification or Employment-related Testing?

By appointment only

Certification & Testing Center

Location: Bldg. 6